Tuesday, 21 September 2010

The Return of The Dreaded Tone-Deaf Singer, Again.

So, Oh My God, It's been ages since I last blogged. It's been a busy couple of weeks. So, to make it up to what few readers I have, this evening I will see if I can think of enough things to write two posts, which I am sure won't be a problem, I mean look at me I can talk for England.

So I was at work today and guess who decided to make a guest appearance in the town centre. She waddled out dragging her amp behind her, freaky husband in tow and set up for her performance. Well obviously it was the tone-deaf singer, hence the post title.

I don't think I can stress how irritating this woman is. She is so bad she makes you want to stick pins in your ears. Well as I have mentioned before she was singing gibberish. Today it was to the theme tune from the Godfather. No idea what words she was using though.

I think the most irritating thing, the thing that made it all the more annoying was the fact the weather today was amazing, really warm and really sunny, and I was stuck inside with no air con while she was out there in the sun, killing everyone's sense of hearing.


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